Restorative justice conferences for victims

Restorative justice aims to provide a supportive environment for you to hold the person who harmed you accountable, to have them take steps toward repairing the harm they’ve caused, and to get some closure.

At an adult restorative justice conference, you can:

  • tell the person who has caused the harm how their behaviour affected you
  • ask questions about the incident
  • express your feelings in a supportive environment with family and friends
  • reduce your fear of further victimisation
  • receive an explanation or apology from the person charged with the offence
  • enter an agreement with the person who caused the harm about how to repair that harm.

Arranging conferencing for victims

The police, prosecutor, court or corrective services can refer you to adult restorative justice conferencing with your consent.

We will then contact you to explain the process and the role of the convenors.

Anything you disclose to our staff is treated confidentially, and conferences are conducted in an environment that respects the privacy of those involved.

You can arrange to get legal advice before and during the conference.


Contact a member of the adult restorative justice conferencing team for more information.


(07) 3738 7014

Gold Coast

(07) 5675 7029


(07) 4417 8134


(07) 4037 2601

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